Huw Lewis-Jones: Why We Photograph Animals. London: Thames & Hudson, 2024.
Ágnes Básthy: “Localising Identity and Understanding Legacy: A New Generation of Hungarian Photographers Search for the ‘Locus of Enunciation’.“ in The Routledge Companion to Global Photographies. Edited by Lucy Soutter and Duncan Wooldridge. Routledge, 2024
Wang Hanlin: Through the Eyes of Machines. The Human Visual Landscape Under the Influence of Technological Mediation. Chip Foto Video Digital, 2024/08 (in Chinese)
Cowborgs in the Polder. Symposium organised by TU Delft. Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Myrto Seirou (ed.): On The Verge. Reykjavík: Void (in collaboration with Futures Photography), 2022.
Julia Gelezova (ed.): Bite The Hand That Feeds You. Dublin: PhotoIreland, 2023.
Szalai Dániel: Cash Cow – Megfigyelés, kizsákmányolás, természet és technológia. Artist Talk at Capa Center (in Hungarian)
Andrea Pastorello (ed.): Selvario. Guida alle parole della selva. Milan: Mimesis Edizioni, 2023.
Stefania Rössl, Massimo Sordi: Index Naturae. Iesi: Skinnerboox, 2023.

Daniel Szalai - Novogen. in Vostok Magazine Vol. 36호_Birdsong - The Song of Many Birds. (Print, in Korean)
Novogen av Dániel Szalai. Ord&Bild Nr 5 2021. (Print, in Swedish)
19th-Century Palaces Wrapped in Reflective Gold Transform Budapest Streetscapes. Designboom
Márk Horváth, Ádám Lovász: Posztvitális agro-panoptikum. artPortal (in Hungarian)
Zsuzsanna Balázs: Szalai Dániel robotizált telepeken tenyésztett teheneket szkennelt be [...]. Qubit (in Hungarian)
Gabriella Csizek: A fotográfia magában hordozza az emberiség müködésének kétoldalúságát [...]. ArtTér (in Hungarian)
Lili Rebeka Tóth: A hazai Christo, útban Eldorado felé, avagy a belvárosi aranygyapjú nyomában. artPortal (in Hungarian)
Aranypaloták a belvárosban. Videointerview by Kultúra.hu (in Hungarian)

Tim Hayward: The Eggs Files: Why Hens are at the Centre of Modern Science. FT Weekend Magazine May 1/2 2021. (Print + Online)
Claire Guillot: Le poulet, métaphore du capitalisme. Le Monde 27 août 2021. (Print + Online, in French)
Daniel Szalai: Wanneer een algoritme bepaalt welke koeien zich voortplanten. De Correspondent (in Dutch)
Henry Carroll: Animals. Photographs That Make You Think. New York: Abrams, 2021. (Print)
Szabolcs Barakonyi: Egyet nem akart: hogy csirkés fiúként ismerje meg a világ. Telex (in Hungarian)
Ana Marques Maia: O que nasceu primeiro: a galinha geneticamente modificada ou o ovo para uso farmacêutico? P3 Público (in Portuguese)
Artist Talk - Dániel Szalai and David Hunt, PhotoIreland Festival 2021 (Online)
Guest Room - Selection by Mirjam Kooiman, Der Greif, May 21, 2021.
Judit Gellér: Fotókönyvek. Beszélgetések. V. Szalai Dániel: Novogen. Fotómüvészet 2021./1. (Print)
Viktória Balogh: Közösségi finanszírozással jelent meg Szalai Dániel Novogen címü könyve. Punkt.hu (in Hungarian)
Paul Ashley: Daniel Szalai: Novogen. RPS Contemporary Photography Nr. 83 Spring 2021. (Print)
Federico Leoni: How Can Philosophy Help Us in This Time of Crisis? maize magazine Nr. 11. Spring 2021 (Print + Online)
Daniel Szalai: Novogen. Fotolab Kiekie
Fabien Ribery: Novogen White Light, l’avenir humain du poulet miracle. L'intervalle (in French)

Interview with Daniel Szalai. Futures Photography
BIO ART. Biologische Systeme als künstlerische Ausdrucksmittel. in Parnass 02/2020. (Print, in German)
The Best of LensCulture, Vol. 4. (Print)
NOVOGEN: The Invisible Workers of Big Pharma [...]. Artist Talk at PHOTO IS:RAEL 2020 (Online)
Resetting The Cow: Artists reflecting on mankind tailoring nature to its own needs. Artist Talk at Futures, organized by the Capa Center (Online)
Vlna 82 - Manifest (Print)
Emese Mucsi: Ab Ovo. Fotograf Magazine #35 (Print)
Kriszta Dékei: Szárnyas patkányok. Müértö XXIII/2. February 2020. (Print, in Hungarian)

Interview - Daniel Szalai. Paper Journal
The Light from our Side Shines Differently. An Exhibition that Exists on Paper. Curated by Leanna Teoh. YET Magazine #11 – Curating Photography (Print)
Osanna Davi: A conversation with Daniel Szalai about his peculiar collection. C41 Magazine
Christopher Holmbäck: Arbetarna i Vaccinfabriken. Tidningen Re:public #48-49 (Print + Online, in Swedish)
Raffaele Vertaldi: Una foto alla volta. Domus Magazine. Nr. 1035 (Print)
«Novogen» Artificially Bred Chickens in Daniel Szalai’s Photo Project. Cameralabs (in Russian)
Vivien Marcillac: Zeitgeist. The Eyes. N°. 10 (Print)
Jasna Jernejsek: Instinct. Membrana 6/19. (Print)
Antonina Gugala: From a Pet to a Partner. Photographs of Non-Human Animals.on Virtual Museum of Photography
The Big Issue Year 2019 Calendar (October). TBI Taiwan (Print)
Zsófia Somogyi: Mondd, mit akarsz látni? Fotómüvészet 2019./3. (Print)

Sophie Wright: Novogen. LensCulture
Tom Giddins: What Came First The Chicken or The Corporation. Gestalten
Lydia Horne: These Chickens Lay Designer Eggs for Big Pharma. Wired. Published also on Wired Japan in 2019.
Gabi van Ingen: BredaPhoto Festival Talent Daniel Szalai. KIEKIE
Du siehst aus, wie ich mich fühle. Die Zeit No 42. 11. Oktober 2018 (Print)
Zoltan Alexander: Paris Photo 2018 Round-Up. ArtLyst
Daniel Szalai: Novogen. Videointerview by Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center
Carte Blanche Students 2018. Artists' Talk at Paris Photo 2018
Rosie Flanagan: The Faces of Factory Farming. Ignant
Daniel Szalai: Novogen. Phases Magazine
Alexandra Popova: Portraits of Chickens [...]. Esquire Russia (in Russian)
2018 Winners of Carte Blanche Announced. British Journal of Photography
Zsuzsanna Balázs: A magyar fotómüvész, aki arcról felismer többszáz csirkét. ArtPortal (in Hungarian)
Levente Hernádi: Csak nehogy csirkés fiúként ismerjen meg a világ. Index.hu (in Hungarian)
Paris Photo: Carte Blanche Etudiante 2018. Fisheye
Rikov: Mit mond a csirke az emberröl? Designisso (in Hungarian)
In het zuiden van Hongarije portretteerde fotograaf Daniel Szalai een reeks kippen met uitzonderlijke levens. de Volkskrant (In Dutch)